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  • Sounds of My Writings: Commentary on Thomas Jefferson Statement

    Thomas Jefferson –“The Bible makes the best people in the world.” The forefathers of this wonderful country had made some profound statements that are worth studying.  For it is beautiful to see, the driving force behind their lives, their faith, and their labor. Thomas Jefferson stated the following; “The Bible makes the best people in the world.”. Looking closer at this statement, it inspired me to write about what could he have possibly meant. Thomas Jefferson clearly gives testimony (testifies) of God's awesome power to make, and change people's lives through the living Word of God. In spite of all books, Jefferson strongly considers that the Bible has the ability to positively impact an individual's life and make him/her into the "best" moral citizens of the world. This clearly reveals the active, abiding power of scripture not just as a governing "authoritative" handbook, but one which is alive and active improving in the wholeness of mankind and making for a better world. In his reflection, you can see that his eyes have considered the whole scope of life, not mere "nearsightedness" but rather - he universally testifies of what his eyes have seen and what his heart has considered. A true visionary, and a true Christian! He is now one of my respected hero's. #soundsofmywritings #andyfernandez #iamministries

  • Quotes by Pastor Andy Fernandez

    Conceiving the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian is essential for Christian living and it's effectiveness, just ask Mary! #andyfernandez #iamministries #quotes

  • Quotes by Pastor Andy Fernandez

    "The blessings of God are always to exceed and go beyond your own personal needs. They are provided to bless others, including your children and your children's children." #andyfernandez #iamministries

  • Quotes by Pastor Andy Fernandez

    Do not be afraid to succeed because of what it will require from you. You can do it! #andyfernandez #iamministries #quotes

  • Advice by Pastor Andy Fernandez

    Salvation, according to the Word of God is not something one earns, but something one receives (a gift) through faith in the grace of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on Calvary. It is the reconciliation of our relationship with God our Creator and Father, and the gift of eternal life. #andyfernandez #iamministries #pastoraladvice

  • Reflections: Pastor

    I am so thankful that God has called me to Pastor, there is no better purpose in life to love that which God loves, these are the moments that I live for........ to strengthen those who are weak, to mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice. Thank you Jesus for giving me the opportunity to love and serve you. #andyfernandez #iamministries #reflections

  • Prayer by Pastor Andy Fernandez

    Lord I would like to thank you for the life that you have given me, it is an honor to be called your servant, son, and friend. Thank you for loving me first, for calling me out and calling me to live a holy life. Thank you for the wife and children you have crowned me with, and the call to guide, protect, and love your children. Thank you for the Church you have called me to Pastor and to be a part of, and for all the brothers and sisters that you have given me - for the wonderful mother anyone could have and for being my Lord and Savior! Love you, Jesus.

  • Sounds of My Writings: The Bible is Authoritative

    Throughout the lens of time, the Bible has become - too many - a great story, a motivational message, an inspiring journey, and even time's another history book. Denominations, doctrines, religions, and even congregations have gathered together under the assumption of the readers or listeners interpretation, and not necessarily under the authoritative "life-changing power" of the "Words of God". For conforming the message of God into a culturally characterized story, rather than respecting its transforming power desensitizes its listeners and blurs God's Holy message. Hebrew 4:12-13 states "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 13Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and lay bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account." The fragility of interpretation, rather than God-inspired "revelation" has been a catalyst to many wars, division, and not the source of faith, unity, hope, and love. Not reverencing the "authoritative" power of Scripture unrestraint its readers and listeners and allows for a chaotic, perverse, and crocked road rather than a straight one. For Holy Scripture states in 2 Timothy 3:16 "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." Simply teaching and/or interpreting Scripture without using it to correct, rebuke, and train oneself and those who you come in contact with is a damaging witness to the authoritative "Words of God". #soundsofmywritings #andyfernandez #iamministries

  • Sounds of My Writings: Is the Bible the authentic Words of God?

    This question is one of the many questions that has haunted billions of citizens throughout history. It is a question which demands a clear answer, and the answer is "yes"! The Bible, for thousands of years, has been the "cornerstone" of faith, the moral handbook of life, the governing principles of empires, the chronically recorded evidence of history, and the life-changing power of God. These inspired texts have outlived every book, every poem, every government, and every enemy. When considering its authenticity, the Bible has been found to be the most accurate in history, the most supported by events, the most trusted by scholars, the most used by academic institutions, the most inspiring by its believers, readers, eyewitnesses, and martyrs who were willing to give their lives for the uncompromising message and infallible context by which it was designed. The sixty-six (66) books of the Bible, when viewing it under a microscope, has been comprised of 40 authors of every vocational background over a period of 1500 years. It's continual "storyline" or message is a symphony of perfection which can only be orchestrated by a perfect author, and that author is God. For thousands of years, the canonical systems which were designed to scrutinize the Bible's authenticity, have bowed down to its authoritative authorship and have accepted the Bible as "our rule of life". These stringent systems consisted of thousands of supportive evidence, manuscripts, translations, local church acceptance, approvals, subject, content, and the supernatural ability to inspire, convict, edify, and correct. The Holy Scriptures have passed every one of these canonical systems and have given the ruling framework and name of what we call today the "Canonical Books" or "Bible". #soundsofmywritings #andyfernandez #iamministries

  • Quotes by Pastor Andy Fernandez

    Poverty says me, prosperity says we. #andyfernandez #iamministries #quotes

  • Quotes by Pastor Andy Fernandez

    You want revival, how hungry are you for God? #andyfernandez #iamministries #quotes

  • Sounds of My Writings: Evil Today

    Those who have eyes will see. And those who have ears will hear. If you look around you, if you tune into the media coverages, if you simply visit some of the local Churches, stop by your small businesses, or visit your neighbors' house, you will be amazed to find that demonic activity is very prominent. They do not tangibly manifest as a "horny" red caped entity. But, are found in the subtle behaviors, conducts, and doctrines, embedded within a worldly system, that "sells" you dreams for truth. If we were to conduct surveys about the physical, mental, and spiritual condition of families throughout different cultures, we would be utterly amazed at the percentage of illnesses, pride, traditional influences, idolatry, mental & physical handicaps, wicked, unclean, and self-indulging conditions of citizens throughout the world. Demonic activity (demons), clearly are devising strategies and assisting in plans to preach a system of peace, wealth, prosperity, oneness, without Christ. Jesus has become another commodity, rather than the Son of the Living God. Another traditional entity, rather than Savior and Lord. These influences and the veiling of his deity thwarts the sovereignty of our God and is in direct line with the opposing forces of demons which want to hinder his work. Take into account this question "even as believers, are we promoting and selling a ministry, the name of a Church, the book of a man, or are we promoting & proclaiming Christ?" Just something to think about.:) It is that subtle. #soundsofmywritings #andyfernandez #iamministries

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